The solitary artist;
You work, day and night, in your confident cave making mounds of art. Your work knows you better than anyone. It has become an extension. An extra limb that follows you around a small studio space. A dark and heavy nuance begging you to stay.
You have artist friends that are equally as rooted into the rhythms of a lonely place. Not empty, you argue. Focused.
We are separately succeeding.
But there it is again. The itch to speak. You test your voice to be sure it's in tact. You realize it has been seven hours since you've conversed with a human; but you can't speak to just any human. No, you've been here before. A quick call to your mom doesn't solve the complexity of artist's desolation because Mom doesn't understand the intricate processes of modern art, of course. She only asks if you've bothered to brushed your teeth and, thankfully, the reminder warrants a short break.
You pour more coffee as if the caffeine will emulate a human presence that could somehow share in your mid-day blues. Then; slowly, gradually, clumsily sit back down. The dark walls blanket you again. Back into the cave.
Encourage Collective is a place for humans to gather. To release the weight of our solitary work and wade in an area of compatible and common beliefs. It is a place to learn and to share. A place to uphold the quality of our progress. A place to strive in the presence of likeminded tastemakers.
The idea, is to succeed together.
Written for newly embarking group―The Encourage Collective.